Kotak Securities Brokerage Charges Reviews of all Segments like Equity, Commodity and Currency

Kotak Securities Stock Broker Brokerage Charges Reviews

Kotak securities currently has more than 13.59 lakh customer accounts & over more than Over 5 Lakh trades per day. The stock broking firm has a presence of around 367 cities of the country with 1329 branches, franchisees and satellite offices all over India.

Kotak securities is a bank based stockbroker & they offer 3 in 1 demat account (Demat+Trading+Bank Account). Due to 3-in-1 account fund transfer between bank and trading account is very easy. Indian traders living outside India can open Kotak NRI Trading account.

Kotak is a full-service broker and they offer various services like Stock Broking services, Portfolio Management services, Dual benefit: Stock Brokers + Depository Participants, Research Expertise, Updated Market Data, International Reach.

For trading this stock broking firm provides Mobile stock trading app, Margin Finance, Investing in IPOs and Mutual Funds over the phone, SMS alerts, AutoInvest, Provision of margin against securities automatically

Kotak Securities Account Opening Charges

Kotak Gateway Flat: Account Opening Fees Rs.750

Kotak Securities Brokerage Charges for Equity Segments

  • Cash Segment: Intraday 0.049% & Delivery 0.49%
  • Equity Derivatives Segments: Futures 0.049% & Option Premium rate 1% or Rs.300 per lot whichever is Higher

Kotak Securities Brokerage Charges for Currency Derivative Segments

  • Currency Futures: 0.03% or Rs.15 Per lot whichever is higher
  • Currency Options: Rs. 15/- Per Lot

Kotak Securities Brokerage Charges for Commodity Brokerage Charges

DetailsSegmentMinimum Per Lot Brokerage
Daily Sq UpFutures (%): 0.049
Options (%): 2.5
Futures (Rs.): 25
Options (Rs.): 250
Settlement Sq Up Futures (%): 0.049
Options (%): 2.5
Futures (Rs.): 25
Options (Rs.): 250

Terms & Conditions

For Fixed Brokerage: Minimum brokerage for Cash Delivery: 0.04 P (per share), lntraday: Rs.0.03 P (per share), Equity Futures: 0.03 P (per share) and/ or Minimum brokerage of Rs.21 per executed order will be charged subject to ceiling of 2.5% of contract value.

Common Terms & Condition for above Plan:

  • Brokerage charged in case of options contract will not exceed 2.5% of premium if agreed per lot brokerage is above Rs.100/- or any other rate as permitted under regulation.
  • Brokerage will be levied on Expiry/Exercise/Assignment of contracts of Equity/Currency options.
  • Other Charges will be applicable on transaction value in the following segment ie Cash: 0.02%, Futures: 0.00415%, Options: 0.05315%, CDS Futures: 0.0033%, CDS Options: 0.04415% For Commodity: Future Segment – Maximum of 0.00598% or as updated on website from time to time, Please refer website for updated other charges details.
  • STT, GST and all other applicable statutory taxes will be charged as per current applicable rate.
  • Other Chargesrepresents a consolidated charge towards providing various value-added services such as Trade Confirmation SMS, electronic account access, portfolio tracker, access to research reports, market news SMS and towards defraying Member’s Statutory /Regulatory liability for the clients’ trades.
  • Charges for other services will be applicable as given in the account opening form or as updated on website.
  • Any chance in the statutory levies shall tantamount to increase in the rate of other charges; this shall be reflected in the contract notes for future trades. However, any increase in the other charges other than statutory levies will be done with advance notice of 15 days to the client. CTT (Commodity Transaction Tax) is charged at 0.01 % on sell side of commodity futures (except for commodities which are exempted from CTT as noticed from time to time by Government of India). c

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